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Ten Things I Learned from Reading a Biography, Mein Kampf & a Book About Financing Hitler, Cont. Part III.

If you have read my last piece, “The TREAT of Versailles,” and, “Ten Things I Learned from Reading a Biography, Mein Kamp & a Book About Financing Hitler, Part I,” then you are now reading to understand the rise of Hitler through the means of a few men from 120 Broadway (Wall Street). Yes, conventional wisdom considers this portion of history a conspiracy. Yet to a Pynk Elephant like I, I understand conventional “wisdom” tends to be scripted, delivered as a public opinion by individuals considered “truth seekers” when in all honesty, their goal is to persuade the masses away from the truth.

In this piece, I hope to demonstrate or persuade my fellow pynk elephants that Adolf Hitler was not only a tool – who led Germany and baited European countries into another world war- but was a much-needed battery into a war machine country. This war machine was-funded by international bankers, who coincidently financed Hitler, and fortunately for them, he fitted the model to carry out their mission.

5. Heil Hitler

 After The Great War (WWI), Germany was under a cloud of confusion. The German nation went from being a monarch state (First Reich) to becoming a republic State (Second Reich). All this transpired after the signing of the treaty of Versailles.1 Unlike many German citizens, Hitler (age 29-35) was driven to find a way to reshape the spirit of his beloved country yet, found no political party he could support. By some stroke of luck, his military superior guided him towards a small party, and as his duty, Hitler had to report what he discovered.2 In this group of seven men, Hitler embraced his destiny, accepted the mantle of political ambition by hearing these men’s arguments -which none could eloquently orate.

Hitler, who quietly watched yet internally boiled with anger, listened to these men’s point-of-view of Germany and the world. Then, one of the men asked him if he had an opinion on the matter; without hesitation, Hitler stood up & took the stage, and began to preach as a possessed evangelical preacher the evils of The Treaty of Versailles, the evil-doing of international bankers, and the evil works of the Jews.3 To the seven men, who did not have the orator skills or the deep study of geopolitical policies as Hitler did, or even when it came to critical thynking (according to Hitler), felt the passion of Hitler and his valid points. Hitler’s arguments resonated with them and the times of Germany in 1919, making him an instant candidate to lead the small party.

Hitler understood political parties already established -both left or right- would be very difficult to begin a movement with them. Why? Well, he knew it would be difficult to persuade them to see his point of view, let alone to see the error of their political party. Hitler was sober in thought as he waited to make his decision to join this small group of men.

Hitler had a deep inner conflict: either he committed to this small party or formed one from scratch?4 The story goes, according to Hitler and his biographer, John Toland, Hitler committed with this original group of seven (or as his party card inscribed:555, to inflate the numbers of members) and created the National Socialist Democratic Party -Nazi Party.5

While Hitler was developing his Nazi party from 1919-23, The nation of Germany was going through economic upheaval. Not only did the weight of guilt was upon their head, but they too had to pay an astronomical debt to the champions of The Great War. This heavy debt led to the great economic collapse of 1923, hyperinflation, and the needed vacuum void Hitler needed to insert his name into the politics of the time.6 Many people do not know but, the great entrepreneur, Henry Ford, was an anti-Semite. He was following very close the up-and-coming Nazi Party as he was funding the rise of Hitler.7 And once the Dawes plan entered the German market -usurping raw materials and companies to be monopolized by a few international bankers8– Henry Ford and these international bankers would have a walk in the park in Germany.

German companies became subsidiary companies for American Corporations. They created the much-needed equipment for Hitlers Nazi Germany when he took power in 1933.9 As This Dawes plan re-boosted the economy of Germany, Hitler with his Nazi party -inspired by the dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini- saw an opportunity to conduct a coup d’état when it presented itself on November 8, 1923.10 Why the coup? Known as the Beer Hall Putsch, the movement was based on anger from hyperinflation, the Treaty of Versailles, the raw materials being- usurped by international bankers. The people and those who followed Hitler echoed his sentiments, his anger, the frustration of the betrayers of the First Reich, those being of The Second Reich: politicians.11

16 men died in this failed attempt, Hitler, was arrested for leading the failed coup d’état; a bitter failure to the Nazi Party and their leader.12 The German government dismantled the Nazi Party and placed Hitler in prison for five years for high treason. Serving only one year, Hitler would utilize his time to reflect and write his ideas into ink on paper.

4. Mein Kampf

I do believe if Hitler did not spend one year for high treason in Landsberg prison, Hitler would have never come out as a figure of hope, recharged, and with his infamous book, Mein Kampf. “My Struggle,” translated from German to English, is Hitler’s wild and anti-Semite views of the world of past to his present-day (1926). In his political autobiography, a reader can see the mynd of a self-taught scholar who understood history, the geopolitical issues, and the evils of what happens when you let politicians decide the fate of a nation through diplomacy. But, Hitler, blinded by his hatred towards the Jewish people, went into moments of scapegoating the ambition of politicians towards the Jewish Sect.13

As he “penned” his book, Hitler had many visitors who came to discuss his vision, the future of Germany, and even perhaps, the rebirth of the Nazi Party.14 It was once he was out of prison the funding for Hitler became more aggressive by international bankers through American Corporation subsidiary companies in Germany.15 As he was out of prison (1926), from 1926-1930, Hitler laid “low,” for he was banned from public speaking events even though his book was being sold across Germany.16 I would say because of his book, Hitler remained in the public eye apart from the funding of these three big German companies: German G & E, ITT, and I.G. Farben, and many more.17

I won’t go into the crash of 1929, for you can read it in my previous piece, “The Treat of Versailles,” but I will say, the crash of 1929 helped birth The Young Plan to fund Germany, or better said, Nazi Germany towards WWII.18 It was this financial planning that finally brought Hitler into the power of all Germany, with the aid of his book, Mein Kampf.

3. Heil, Mein Fuhrer (1933)

The 1929 market crash in the United States led the world into a global depression, and Germany would feel the pinch, per se. Through 1930-33, Hitler would rise as the voice of the German nation, blaming international bankers (even though they were funding his campaign through subsidiary companies), the Jewish people, and the failed politicians of the Second Reich.19 No political party in Germany believed Hitler would take power, let alone become a national figure, but the men who were funding his campaign, even Henry Ford understood, to take the nation of Germany and give it into the hands of Hitler and his Nazi party, it would be prudent to do it legally than by force.20

Hitler, in 1933 would win the Chancellor thanks to the letters of industrialists, bankers, and two influential politicians, Franz von Papen and Alfred Hugenberg, who wrote a letter to Hindenburg. The signers beseeched Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as leader of a government “independent from parliamentary parties,” making millions of people supportive and contempt of the choice.21 Once Selected as Chancellor, Hitler’s ambition of dictator (legally) would come into fruition, thanks to the calculated fire of the Reichstag Building.

2. Reichstag Fire Building

As Chancellor, Hitler had a sit with the men of Germany who held power. But Hitler was cunning as a fox, swift and ferocious as a lion. An avid reader of The Prince (Niccolò Machiavelli’s work), Hitler understood if he wanted to take total control of the German government -legally- he had to do it with utmost stratagem. Here enters the fire of the Reichstag Building. Hitler understood people give symbols power, not symbols that give power to the people. By burning the Reichstag building, Hitler and his Nazi party would blame the communist party for the infamous blaze.22 Once the people of Germany were informed “who” caused the fire, their fear towards the uprising communist became the pinpoint manipulation Hitler would use to infiltrate the German people by propaganda.

Hitler, using the mainstream media outlets -radio and newspaper- to persuade public opinion, Hitler coerced German citizens to believe only the Nazi Party could provide the safety needed against these domestic terrorists.23 As Hitler began to pass mandates against communists, arresting many without cause, he was also removing civil liberties from his people with the blessing of the President of Germany, Paul Von Hindenburg (death was imminent for the man). As an opportunist, Hitler began to purge his political enemies.24 Once Hitler had removed civil liberties away from the German people, purged his political enemies (more than 200+ men killed in this purge), Hitler consolidated power and made Germany into a one-party country (Nazi Party) and became dictator for life.25

Yet, those who have read the depths of this fire have come to understand that fire of the Reichstag Building was an inside job or better known as a white flag. It was rumored, or better yet, ‘documented,’ the Nazi Party was aware of setting the building on fire through by the assistance of one of Hitlers’ links, Ernest Sedgewick Hanfstaengl (or better known as Putzi).26

Not only was this man a friend of Franklin D. Roosevelt, yes, the president of the United States, but he was also a big believer of Hitler and his vision.27 It is rumored that he had access to the empty building the night of the fire, as his estate had an underground tunnel where the arson could have accessed the building undetected.28  If this is the case, then one can say, Hitler was aided to consolidate power as a dictator; he was assisted by an “American” to carry the plan well established before he was plugged into the war machine of Germany funded by international bankers from 120 Broadway (Wall Street).


The last point, in my opinion, is like point six (The TREAT of Versailles). It needs to be written with an acute purpose to demonstrate not only did Hitler desire war, but those funding his campaign wanted one as well. I will inform you, my fellow pynk elephants, although Hitler could have annexed all lands he desired peacefully; Hitler was hell-bent on another world war with the European States. Why? Because of his ambition: to decimate France and Russia. This ambition of his is what I consider his Achilles Heel. Until then,

Thynk Pynk!




  1. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf (New York, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1971) 207-9.
  2. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 93-7.
  3. Ibid, 95-7.
  4. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf (New York, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1971) 210-12, 218-224.
  5. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 96-98.
  6. Ibid, 136-9, 140, 148.
  7. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 90-3.
  8. Ibid, 23-5, 163-7.
  9. Ibid, 23-5, 27-32, 34, 40-3, 45-8.
  10. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 118-9.
  11. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf (New York, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1971) 279, 282-3, 330-1, 336-7.
  12. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Beer Hall Putsch”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Nov. 2021,     Accessed 22 January 2022.
  13. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf (New York, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1971) 212-5, 235-40, 306, 564-70.
  14. Independent, Rising, David. “Hitlers Cushy Prison Life in the 1920s Revealed.” 24 Jun.201,      -s-cushy-prison-life-in-the-1920s-revealed-   html Accessed 23, January 22 2022.
  15. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 33-7, 51-66.
  16. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 213, 230-1, 247
  17. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 33-7, 51-66.
  18. Ibid, 33-7.
  19. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 237-39, 241, 244-6.
  20. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 138-9.
  21. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 274-81, 284-6, 294-
  22. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 118-20.
  23. Toland, John. The Definitive Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Random House Inc, 1976) 299-303.
  24. Ibid, 303, 304-6, 310.
  25. Ibid, 306-7, 340-41, 346-7.
  26. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler (California: 76’ Press, 1976) 115.
  27. Ibid, 115-6.
  28. Ibid, 118-20.


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